Questions to Ask Roofing Companies Before Services

Roofing companies are there when homeowners need emergency help, such as a bad leak, but also when roofs need structural repairs or maintenance. This video highlights how to ensure a contractor is the right choice. Here's a quick rundown of quick things to ask to make a roofing company shortlist: 1.

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“What is your office address?” This helps paint a picture of how legitimate a contractor they are. 2. “What is your contractor's license number?” Regulations around this may change from state to state, however, most areas will insist that roofers are licensed. All roofing companies should be able to provide this information upon request. 3. “Do you have worker's compensation insurance?” This protects homeowners from liability should an injury or accident occur. 4. “Do you need payment in advance?” Trusted contractors should be able to get all the materials for any roofing job without having to collect payment upfront. 5. “Can you pay my deductible?” If the roof repair or replacement is on the back of an insurance claim, the homeowner must pay any deductible due. If a roofer offers to pay this as a “bonus”, this is a red flag, and this contractor should not be hired. Asking the right questions helps ensure a great working relationship between homeowners and roofing companies.