4 Commercial Roofing Types to Choose From

When it comes to commercial roofing, the variety of available options is vast, each offering distinct advantages and considerations.

  1. One prevalent choice is built-up roofing (BUR), known for its durability and weather resistance. Consisting of layers of bitumen and reinforcing fabrics, BUR provides a robust shield against the elements, making it a preferred option for flat or low-slope roofs.

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  2. Metal roofing stands out as another resilient option for commercial roofing, offering longevity and energy efficiency. Whether constructed from steel or other alloys, metal roofs excel in durability and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Their reflective surfaces also contribute to energy efficiency by reducing heat absorption.
  3. For businesses seeking a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution, single-ply roofing systems are gaining popularity in the commercial roof arena. These systems, typically made of materials like PVC, TPO, or EPDM, provide a lightweight yet durable roofing solution. Single-ply roofs are known for their ease of installation and maintenance, making them an attractive choice for businesses aiming for efficiency and sustainability.
  4. Green roofing, characterized by living vegetation and plant life on the roof's surface, is a cutting-edge option. Apart from providing insulation and reducing energy costs, green roofs contribute to urban biodiversity and air quality improvement. This environmentally conscious choice reflects a growing trend in commercial roofing towards sustainable and innovative solutions.

Each roofing type presents a unique set of advantages, allowing businesses to tailor their choice to specific needs and preferences.
