Should My HVAC Be Repaired or Replaced?

For many homeowners, the state of the HVAC system is confusing and worrisome. After all, we've become reliant on these systems to keep us comfortable in our homes. In this video, a presenter talks about how long HVAC systems should last, and how you can tell when it's time to replace yours.

At the start of the video, the presenter shares what big HVAC brands say about how long their systems should last. The most common published range of expected years for your air conditioning unit is 15 to 20.

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However, you might also hear numbers as low as 10 years and also claim that units can last around 25 years with proper maintenance.

The presenter of the video, a professional in HVAC repairs, believes that different age ranges are provided with the intent of getting consumers to buy new units before they are needed. He says that when people ask him whether they should get their system replaced, the biggest question isn't how old it is, but rather, how well it is running. According to him, there is no need to entertain the thought of replacement while the system is running well.

For the remainder of the video, the presenter talks about common issues and solutions. This is helpful information for anyone experiencing problems with their unit, and wondering whether it can be repaired or is due for replacement.
