What to Know Before Purchasing a Used Refrigerator

Sometimes getting an old refrigerator is best, especially if you need to add extra storage space or are on a tight budget. But, there are a few things to remember before a buying refrigerator sale. If you ignore these tips, you might end up with a refrigerating unit that won't last more than a year.

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You could also end up with a unit that is always in need of repair. The first thing you should check is the refrigerator's manufacture date. The older a fridge is, the less energy it consumes and the less efficient it is. So check the age and get a price equivalent to the years of service you expect from the unit. You should also check whether the refrigerator door seals properly. If the gaskets are worn out, they could let warm air into the refrigerator. Warm air strains the fridge to work harder to keep food cool. It also increases energy use and the cost of power. You should also check the temperature of the fridge. A good refrigerator keeps the food cold. The ideal temperature for the fridge section is 38° F and 0° F in the freezer section. If the food is not warming correctly, the condenser could be too old or faulty. Want more tips before you seal the deal? Check out the video.