How the Pros Mow Lawns Differently

Knowing the right way to mow your lawn can make a big difference between a beautiful green expanse and a brown patch of disappointment. Please take advantage of these tips on how pros in landscaping service mow your lawn to do it best yourself.

Before you mow your lawn, check the yard for rocks, debris, and toys, and get these out of the way. These bits can get caught in your mower and thrown out, leading to someone or something getting hurt or damaged.

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When dealing with slopes using a power mower, ride up and down the slopes horizontally to prevent the mower from getting tilted more to one side. If you run a push mower, mow parallel to the slope's contour. Be careful not to get your mower too close to trees, shrubs, flowers, rocks, equipment, sheds, or other objects.

For close cuts, we use trimmers and edgers. Pacing yourself is vital, especially if you have a large lawn. Break the task into smaller sections to avoid a heart attack or heat stroke. Start around areas that will take up most of your time, such as buildings, shrubs, and other features in your yard.
