What Happens When You Get Your Septic Tank Pumped?

Septic tanks are vital parts of our homes but require maintenance to ensure their continued function. If you've ever had a septic tank pumped, you probably know it can be costly and messy. This video shows you what happens after cesspool pumping.

Cesspool pumping is a way to eliminate wastewater from septic tanks to prevent sewage back-up into the home. Septic tanks are a type of wastewater treatment system that uses bacteria to break down solid matter in the water.

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Wastewater is then stored in a pit called a cesspool. However, the cesspool can sometimes become clogged, causing sewage to leak out of the tank and back inside the house. If the cesspool becomes too full, it can overflow and cause damage to foundation walls and floors, structural collapse, and injury to humans who might stumble upon the mess.

There are several reasons to pump out septic tanks regularly. Regular maintenance helps prevent expensive cleanup costs. In addition, it keeps the tank from being clogged with debris. Also, it prevents the buildup of a harmful substance called hydrogen sulfide gas. Besides, it helps maintain the balance of oxygen in the tank. Oxygen levels in the tank must remain high enough to support aerobic bacteria.
