How Your Home's Water Softener Works

Water softener systems at home reduce the scale buildup and other contaminants in the water coming into your home. This helps extend the lifespan of your pipes and appliances by ensuring that it is minimal or no dissolved magnesium, calcium, iron, and others that are responsible for scale buildup. It's important to soften the water before using it because using hard water can cause your dishes and water fixtures to form a layer of soap scum on them that makes them look perpetually dirty.

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An ion exchange water softener system removes the metal particles from the water by pulling those contaminants away from the water. This is achieved by running the water from your main supply through a tank with ionic beads or resin which takes away all the contaminants from the water and releases clean, soft water. There is a second tank that has brine that's used to wash away hard ions from the resin tank and dispose of them through the wastewater system. You can find out how hard your water is by taking a sample from your tap to your local supplier to test. A water softener system is economic to run when you consider all the benefits that using one offer.