A Beginner's Guide to Driveway Sealing

It can be very time-consuming when it comes to working on asphalt driveway sealing. In addition, as the water permeates the cracks in materials and settles down at the base, the base might be compromised, resulting in potholes forming. Cracks filled with water may lead to damage due to freezing in cold climates.

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Even warm temperatures, the grass may begin to grow through cracks on the surface's edges. With that, possible damages from UV rays and oil or gas spills are among the good reasons for driveway sealing. A Guide for Driveway Sealing Here are the proper steps for driveway sealing. 1. Prepare the area The area should be clean and free from overhanging grass. Use a brush with detergent to clean gas stains or oil. 2. Fill in Cracks Using a patching compound, fill any large cracks or possible depressions in the asphalt. 3. Spray the Asphalt Using a pressure or garden hose, spray it down the surface to remove dirt missed when sweeping. Let it dry afterward. 4. Mixing the Sealant With the lid closed, turn the container of the sealer upside down and pre-mix the contents. Once it is opened, keep stirring it, so the sealant remains mixed. 5. Applying the Sealant Pour some asphalt on the surface and start in one corner. Let the sealant dry for 24 hours. Put some barrels at the entrance to prevent access to vehicles. .