The Dos and Donts of a Commercial Janitorial Business

Running a commercial janitorial service is not an easy task. A successful cleaning business requires a lot of learning and practicing. This video discusses the dos and don'ts of a commercial janitorial service.

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The Dos
  1. Have a mentor: Mentors play an essential role when starting any business. A successful commercial cleaning business owner can offer great advice on navigating the market.
  2. Understand the market: Understanding the market helps narrow it down to a specific niche where the business can offer outstanding services.
  3. Practice good leadership: A competent leader is a key to a successful commercial janitorial business. The leader should lead by example and be approachable.
  4. Offer exceptional service: Train employees to clean places as if they own them. The best employees understand that each job deserves the best.
  5. Network: Networking is essential in growing the client base.
The Don'ts
  1. Mixing residential and commercial clients. The most successful businesses have discovered their niche and concentrated on it.
  2. Have a single rate: Every client has different needs. Therefore, a janitorial service should offer a customizable rate that equates to the client's needs.
  3. Keeping unproductive employees: A janitorial service that keeps employees that fail to meet expectations will eventually suffer. Dissatisfied clients will look elsewhere for service providers.