How Easy DIY Maintenance Can Save Your Garage Door from Repair

Although they look simple, garage doors have many parts, especially if they're electric. As a result, they should be regularly maintained to keep them functioning optimally. Homeowners can hire a garage door repair service to maintain their garage door, DIY garage door maintenance is also an option. This review will look at how homeowners can DIY garage door maintenance.

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According to the narrator in the video, the tools people need to DIY garage door maintenance include lubricant, a wrench, and scrap cardboard. The objective of DIY garage door maintenance is to lubricate all of the moving parts and ensure that all parts, including the electrical ones, are functioning as they should. Therefore, DIY should mainly be used for maintenance and not repairs. The first step of DIY maintenance is releasing the garage door from the electric opener. The second step is using the wrench to tighten the bolts on the hinges. After tightening the hinges, the next step is using the lubricant to lubricate them. Hinges should be lubricated both on the outside and the inside. Another area that needs lubricating is the spring that helps lift the garage door from the ground. In addition, homeowners should lubricate the pulleys and use cardboard to avoid applying lubricant on their walls.