How to Know When to Schedule a Septic Pumping for Your Home

Your septic tank handles an unpleasant job and can often stay out of sight and out of mind. However, it needs regular maintenance just like the rest of your home. Ignoring this task could lead to major repairs in the future. Septic pumping removes sludge from the septic tank to prevent build-ups that cause blockages and other plumbing problems. It is a crucial exercise for the home, but many people don't know when to schedule a session.

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Here is an examination of several pointers that your home needs septic draining. You should pump your septic once after every three to five years. However, the septic can go for up to ten years without pumping if it is not used by many people. Consider pumping before these time limits if you start seeing sluggish drains and if you notice that the sludge depth is 33% or two-thirds of your tank. Physical signs like foul smell, extra lush green grass around the tank and drainage, stagnant water, high nitrates concentration in well water, and sewage backup should also tell you that it is time to pump the septic. Pumping will not only make the home safe, comfortable, and habitable, but it will also save you money.