How Home Inspectors Perform Local Chimney Inspections

When buying or selling a house, it's essential to ensure that the fireplace in your home works effectively and is safe for use. However, you cannot do a chimney inspection by yourself. You need to call in a licensed chimney inspector to check the most critical items in the chimney before you buy or sell a house. Here are a few things to expect from local chimney inspections. An inspector looks into some of the things during a chimney inspection: abnormalities and damage to the chimney.

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These damages could include cap and camper damage, damage to the flue system, or even exterior damage due to a falling tree or adverse environmental conditions. If your house is relatively new and the venting system has not yet been changed, the inspector will check for basics, like whether each part of the system is working correctly. If you had previously made changes to your chimney due to building fires or bad storms, the inspection will include an examination of the roof, attic, basement, and crawl space to ensure nothing was damaged. Check out the video for a detailed illustration of how inspectors perform local chimney inspections.