Tips to Repair RVs

RVs are excellent for vacationing and visiting new places. However, they do need to be regularly maintained to avoid breaking down in the middle of nowhere. It is important to learn a few minor tips to repair RVs as shown in the linked video.

Water leaks are a big problem. If a pipe bursts it's useful to have parts that help contain the water flow, such as a PEX push-on fitting.

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By cutting off the damaged section and pushing it onto the pipe, you can shut off the water flow in that area. Water can seep through the damaged door and window seals, so inspect those too. You should also keep repair tape to seal leaks.

Propane issues can crop up. Check the pressure regulator first, and then inspect the appliances if you suspect a leak. Always get the correct compression fitting for the regulator.

Check the tires, including the spare tire and suspension. Repack the tire bearings as well to prevent them from burning out.

Before you start your journey, inspect your RV from top to bottom. It is better to regularly maintain than repair RVs. To avoid being stranded, pack any necessary components for repairs you might need while traveling.
