Essential Questions to Ask a Towing Company

It can be confusing and frustrating when your car breaks down or gets involved in an accident. The most immediate thing to do after calling the police or lawyer in an accident situation is to call a towing company to get your car from the side of the road and to a garage for repairs. Before you trust any company because their costs are reasonable, ask these questions to be sure.

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Some cars have special towing requirements. To be sure that the company you are hiring can get you off the road, ask for details on their regular clientele. Find out what the company uses to tow cars like a flatbed truck, tow dollies, or tow dollies. Identify the method you prefer and have the company work for it. Emergencies call for fast action, so we should remember to ask how long the towing crew will get to you.

Before committing to a towing service, ask for a cost estimate. Doing so will help you understand the value of every item or task and give you a rough idea of what is essential and what is not. Find out if the company offers additional roadside assistance or locksmith services.
