The Basics of Deep Tissue Massage

On the YouTube Massage Sloth channel, in the video "Deep Tissue Massage Basics," the massage therapist discusses the techniques used in deep tissue massage therapy. He says that the therapist should discuss the massage techniques used on the patient and learn about why the patient is coming in for deep tissue therapy. He has a pre-massage conversation with the patient to discuss this.

When the therapist begins the massage treatment, the first contact or touch should be made slowly and gradually. The therapist should mentally concentrate on what is happening with the patient's body.

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Their technique and touch should be well thought out, not abrupt. This technique is called the airplane landing technique and can be used at the beginning and end of the massage. Deep tissue massage therapists focus on the comfort of their clients.

Therapists use two techniques in this therapy. The short and sharp technique focuses pressure on one area that needs attention. It is used on the neck, shoulders, back, and other areas. The long and strong technique focuses on longer massage strokes for specific areas of the body. With this technique, the therapist uses his hands and stance to relieve pain and induce relaxation. Massage treatment is used to reduce back pain, stress, muscle pain, and sports injuries.