Standard Problems to Expect From Concrete Coatings

When it comes to concrete coatings, there are some standard problems you may encounter. One of the most frequent problems with these coatings is the formation of bubbles or blistering. It can occur due to trapped air or moisture beneath the coating or improper application techniques.

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Bubbles and blisters not only affect the appearance of the coating but can also weaken its durability. Proper surface preparation, which includes ensuring a dry surface and following the manufacturer's application guidelines, can help prevent this issue.

Peeling or delamination is another common problem with these coatings. It happens when the coating fails to adhere properly to the concrete surface, resulting in flaking or peeling over time.

Inadequate surface preparations, improper cleaning, or not removing existing coatings can contribute to this issue. Additionally, using incompatible coating systems or applying the coating in unfavorable conditions, such as high humidity, can lead to poor adhesion and subsequent peeling.

Concrete coatings may also be susceptible to discoloration or staining. It can occur due to exposure to UV radiation, chemical spills, or improper cleaning techniques.

Discoloration not only affects the appearance of the coating but can also indicate a potential degradation of the coating's protective properties. Regular cleaning and maintenance, using appropriate cleaning agents and techniques recommended by the manufacturer, can help minimize the risk of discoloration.

These coatings may experience wear and tear over time and manifest as surface abrasion, especially in high-traffic areas.
