How Local Water Heater Repair Techs Work

A standing pilot water heater operates efficiently and lasts longer when maintained as necessary. In this video, Vance from Repair and Replace, a local water heater repair firm, advises checking for leaks. Puddles or dampness around the water heater are tell-tale signs.

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Next, there’s a need to test the pressure and temperature relief valve. This valve releases excess pressure and prevents the water heater from exploding. To test it, lift the lever on the valve and let it snap back into place. If it doesn't snap back or continues to leak water, it may need replacement.

The anode rod is a critical component that helps prevent corrosion in the water heater tank. Vance recommends inspecting annually and replacing it if there are signs of rust. Unscrew the top cover allows easy access of the anode rod.

The flame arrestor screen, located at the bottom of the appliance, also requires regular cleaning. This screen prevents flammable vapors from igniting inside the heater. Vance suggests using a brush or vacuum to remove dust or debris accumulating on the screen.

Sediment buildup can affect the unit's efficiency and reduce its lifespan. Flushing the tank once a year helps remove sediment and maintain the heater's performance. To flush the tank, connect a hose to the drain valve and direct the water to a suitable draining location, such as a floor drain or outside.
