Services to Consider When Starting an Excavation Company

In this video, the reporter walks through crucial steps to kickstart an excavation business affordably with five accessible jobs. He stresses the importance of starting with minimal expenses, offering tips like equipment rental, or securing financing for key machinery like a skid steer, dump trailer, and pickup truck. These tools set the stage for several profitable tasks. Highlighting driveway work, the reporter underscores the profitability of tasks like regrading and fixing potholes, especially with materials like crushed asphalt known for durability. Land clearing emerges as another profitable venture, requiring minimal equipment like a grapple, chainsaw, and skid steer.

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While less financially rewarding, brush hogging proves useful for field maintenance or setting up hunting food plots. Moreover, the reporter highlights the potential of concrete removal for residential projects, collaborating efficiently with concrete layers. Furthermore, the reporter encourages exploring selling and installing wood chips, whether as a yearly service for homeowners or retail after gathering stock. He delves into the ease of managing wood chips for profit, suggesting these tasks as an entry point into the excavation industry. Fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit, the reporter motivates you to progress in constructing your excavation company. He encourages active participation, guiding conducting research, networking within the industry, and seeking support to start this fulfilling journey in your excavation endeavors.