How to Find the Best Roofing Contractors

Hiring a roofer for a new installation or repair after damage can be stressful. Which one to choose that is the best for the job can pose a challenge. However, these tips offer advice to get started with the search and narrowing down reliable roofing contractors for the job.

Go Local: A local roofing contractor can be reached more easily than out-of-town companies, and they are likely to have experience in the community to better serve customers' needs. You’ll want to verify through research whether they’re really local.

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Verify Insurance & Licensing: Ask for a copy of the roofer’s current insurance coverage to work safely and legally on your property. While not all states require roofing contractors to be licensed, find one who is, unless you want to trust anyone with a truck, tools, and a business sign to handle the work.

Do They Work With Insurance?: Many insurance agencies require that a contractor be insured and licensed for you to make a claim. Find out whether they take your insurance and if they qualify to process your insurance request.

Check Online Reviews & Call Referrals: Before making any calls, see what customers are saying online, and be sure to contact a few referrals. Any good company should be happy to provide a few, and the Better Business Bureau is a great resource for verified testimonials. This resource can also reveal how they handle problems and disputes.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for qualified roofing contractors, and increase your chances of having a good experience.
