Common Signs It's Time for a Roof Replacement

If your roof is over 20 years old or is showing signs of deterioration and leaks, it's time to get an estimate from a roofing contractor about a roof replacement. Some problems can be repaired, but older roofs will need replacing because home insurance typically drops coverage after 20 years of installation. Once you contact a roofing company, they will schedule you for an appointment for a consultation, which may be complimentary or entail a small fee.

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They'll first check the roofing shingles for loose asphalt granules or bald patches on the surface. The contractor will look for dark spots and any old patches. They'll also inspect for any signs of cracks in the roofing materials or roof vents. Then, the contractor will look for any nails that are popping out or in the wrong places. A check for any warps or excess space between shingles and even worn caulking can result in leaks in the attic or space between walls. Any of these issues can damage interiors and result in mold within the walls and framing. Your contractor will use a roller with a leveling tool attached to detect whether there are sags, aging sealant, or imbalances along the rooftop ridge lines and make sure it's straight. Before getting an estimate, your consultant will ask you whether you want the same material, and asphalt roofing is available in many colors. Once you get a quote, ask about workmanship warranties.