How Junk Hauling Companies Price Their Services

Junk in any space, whether a house, garage, office, or shed, is annoying because it means less room for storing items. As a result, most people hire a junk hauling service to dispose of the junk on their behalf. But how do junk hauling companies price their service? According to the narrator in the video, junk hauling companies use three things to determine price; labor, volume, and weight.

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How do these three factors affect junk hauling costs? When using labor to determine the price of a junk removal job, junk removal companies need to know what the job involves. This will help them know how many people are required for the job. Also, since they charge by the hour, it helps them know how many hours they will need to remove all the junk, load it into the truck, and haul it away. The second factor is volume; this means the space occupied by the junk in a truck. The junk hauling company needs to know if the junk will occupy a quarter, a half, or the whole truck. If the junk exceeds one truck, they will charge double. The third factor is weight. According to the narrator in the video, the max weight is typically one tonne, meaning if the junk exceeds this threshold, the customer will incur extra costs.