5 Common Paver Sealing Myths Debunked

When it comes to paver sealing, it's easy to be misled by common ideas that have spread throughout the industry. You'll want to know which ones are facts or myths before you pursue paving services. The video below addresses 5 common ones and debunks them.

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Myth 1: Sealing Prevents Mold and Weeds

This may be one of the most laughable myths of all. Mold or weeds will still develop regardless of paver sealing. With the right sand, a good paver sealing job can slow down weed or mold growth.

Myth 2: Sealing Is a Permanent Solution

Sealing pavers need to be maintained regularly. Rather than getting a one-time application, it is important to make sure that you find an affordable maintenance plan from any company you hire for their paving services.

Myth 3: All Pavers Are the Same

Pavers vary based on several factors, including porosity rates and quality level.

Myth 4: All Paver Sand Is the Same

Just like with pavers, different sand types provide different advantages and disadvantages. Silica sand is one good option to explore.

Myth 5: All Sealers Are the Same

While it may seem that all sealers are the same, there are actually some strong differences between the options. There are different bases of sealers, including water-based and water-based breathable. .