How to Install Custom Glass Shower Doors

Shower doors are used over shower baths to create a safe, hot, and steamy area for you. There are many different types of shower doors. You can install traditional glass doors as part of a new bathroom design or replacement of an existing broken door. Other materials include tiles and metal panels that are durable and stylish but still provide the privacy you want when taking a bath or showering. The video shows a guide on installing shower doors.

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First, you need to start by measuring the space for the door and determining the materials you will need. Once you complete this and the area is prepared, cut a hole into one side of the wall where your new door will go. This hole must be large enough to accommodate what will now become your new custom glass shower doors when installed. It is helpful to do these things before any other work begins. After making the hole, you will have to have the door unit with all the fixtures and fittings already attached to it delivered. Put a level on top of your new door unit to ensure it is flat on the ground. If not, adjust it slightly so that it does. The next step is to build a wooden frame for your new shower door by using either stud and two-by-fours or just two-by-fours and using nails and screws to hold them together.