What You Can Expect From Your Water Filter Installer

Are you wondering whether your home could benefit from a water filter installer? If you notice a foul odor or taste coming from your tap water, you should consider having a water filter installed. Many times, homeowners will use a water filter system that attaches to the head of the water faucet in the kitchen sink. While this is a decent option, it's not permanent.

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Having a filtration system installed in the basement where your water source comes from is a great way to have your water filtered right at the source. This can help eliminate any leftover minerals that are lingering and passing through your tap water. The filter often includes granulated carbon that the water passes through to create a more clean taste. The water pipes in your basement will need to be changed to copper piping and fitted with welding equipment. Installing the system is fast, and the main water line will be directed right into the prefilter system. While the filter collects impurities, you will need to have it serviced and cleaned out to keep it running smoothly. .