How to Install Shingles According to a Roofing Expert

If you're a homeowner who likes to DIY your repairs, you might be considering tackling your roofing fixes yourself. However, this can be an extremely dangerous project. One-third of construction fatalities involve someone falling off a roof.

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Any adventurous person wanting to install shingles themselves should follow these tips from a professional. They will be useful no matter the size of the roof. First, you need to have all of the proper safety equipment. This should include a harness that will catch you should you slip and fall. You need to start your shingling with a drip edge at the bottom. This will break surface tension and cause any water to fall away from the roof instead of clinging and leading to rot. Once that is nailed in place, you can layer fell paper on top. This will form a release between the roof's heating and the shingles. Before affixing any shingles to the roof, draw precise lines to guide you. Each row of shingles should be cut so that it is offset approximately six inches from the previous row. If this process seems too overwhelming, the safest option is to let a professional company handle the job. .