How to Have Your Prehung Exterior Door Installed With Ease

Upgrading the outer doors to houses can make them more energy-efficient. If a door is pre-hung, the frame for the door and the door itself are sold together as part of one product. The door installation process can and should be completed in a single day. Door installation technicians can help make sure this process is completed properly.

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In the beginning, the door frame's width and height have to be accurately measured. Technicians need to take those measurements again since they'll need the current door's exact size. Homeowners need the door jamb depth measured as well. They can use that data when they shop for a replacement front door. Once the new door is available, the other one must be fully removed. People can use an electric drill to take out the screws and supports that are holding that door in its position. They'll also need a strong caulking material that they'll use as an adhesive. The caulking product will hold the door sill pan in place. Sealant is used to help get the door frame to stay tightly in the right area. People also have to drill small holes for the screws right beside the hinges. The door installation procedure should end very shortly afterward.