Your Guide to Reading a Nutrition Label Correctly

Reading and understanding food labels has always been difficult. But it has never been more difficult than it is today. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there looking to help and are backed by experienced, knowledgeable, and credible. One such resource is the Osmosis from Elsevier YouTube channel. Their brief and informative video entitled "How to read a nutrition facts label" is extremely useful.

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Make sure to watch it for top-quality, authoritative information, and continue reading to learn more.

  1. Egg Cartons
    Sometimes labels like "free range," "natural," and "pasture-raised" are deceptive. The definitions of these can be changed, meaning further investigation is needed before you buy.
  2. Milk Cartons
    Like the claims mentioned above, claims that milk comes from "grass-fed" cows should not convince you. The grass could be heavily processed and come in a bucket.
  3. Shrimp
    The use of antibiotics in shrimp is a common way to cut corners. Rather than raising the shrimp healthily and sustainably, they raise them poorly and dose them with harsh antibiotics.
  4. What's "Natural?"
    Like every claim mentioned here, "natural" does not mean healthy. Many harmful chemicals are natural and may be included legally because the claim is not technically false.

Just a little bit of information can make a big difference in your overall health. Be sure to like and subscribe to the Osmosis from Elsevier YouTube channel for more valuable nutrition and health info. If you need professional help, definitely look into a local nutrition consultant to aid you!
