How to DIY Vinyl Siding for Your Home

Installing vinyl siding beautifies your home. Some professionals do the installation of the vinyl at a cost. However, you can cut the cost by learning how to install the vinyl siding on your own.

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You can seek advice from friends or search online for how to do it on your own. To avoid frustrations later, you should consider using a wider starter strip that protects the sheathing from snow, rain, and pests. Pests like to make a home inside the corner post. To avoid this, you should put caps on the corner post.

Most vinyl siding failures are caused by the de-attachment of the panels to each other. It is therefore advisable to use nails to pull up the panels. To successfully bar water from infiltrating the side j channels, you should ensure that the top j channels overlap. All the cuttings should be made using a vinyl cutting blade. The use of any other blade may end up shattering the side channels. Ensure that you use the 2" galvanized roofing nails. The nailing should not be tight to allow contraction and expansion during the hot season. Ensure that the bottom side j channel flashes through the window. You should also ensure that you start with the long panels. Always use the provided manual for installation. This will assist you in measuring the preferred inches. Caulk and crimp are the top causes. In case of a mistake, fix it with a zip tool. Using the manual ensures that you have followed all procedures up to the last step.
