Why Gas Powered Leaf Blowers Pose a Threat to the Environment
Did you know that for more than 10 years, it has been illegal in Los Angeles to operate a gas powered leaf blower within 500 feet of any residence? Los Angeles now requires all power-operated lawn equipment to be equipped with an electric start. There are many reasons why gas powered leaf blowers tend to be less popular. The first issue about these blowers is the noise they make.
They can be very loud, even at low speeds.
Also, they have a tendency to kick up leaves or dirt into the air, which then falls back down on your grass. If you live near a park or school, you may find yourself having to clean up after your neighbors. Another problem with leaf blowers is that they use gasoline as their fuel source. This means that they pollute the air and cause harmful emissions. They also emit carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. Lastly, they are not eco-friendly because they use fossil fuels. There are other ways to get rid of those pesky leaves from around your yard. One way is to rake them up. Another is to use a mulching mower.