What It's Like to Be a Siding Installer

If you're considering becoming a siding installer, you'll need a distinct set of skills to be successful. A siding installer needs perfect hand-eye coordination, attention to detail, the ability to interpret diagrams, and mechanical aptitude. Siding installers put final touches to buildings to separate the outside and the inside while protecting the structure from harsh weather and giving it a decorative look.

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It is the perfect career for people who love working outdoors and enjoy the satisfaction of a great-looking finished product. It requires teamwork, dependability, and excellent communication skills. One must also be physically fit to do the heavy lifting, and work for long hours on their feet in all weather and cramped spaces to meet tight deadlines. A diploma is an added advantage, though the craft does not require certification. A day's work begins at the building site, where the team checks the materials and equipment. They check the safety paperwork, read and interpret blueprints then install flashings and insulations on buildings. They will do heavy lifting at times and drive various lifts. They also perform quality assurance and maintain safety standards at the site. They work for around 40 hours a week or more if there is overtime.