All Residential Plumbers Should Know These Basic Facts
Residential plumbers can resolve some of the most troublesome leak issues with just a wrench and some fundamental plumbing knowledge. To do this effectively, all residential plumbers should know these basics.
The main pipe, a massive pipe that normally runs parallel to your street, is where city water reaches your home.
If there is an issue with your connection to the main, there may be civil lawsuits and significant fines if the main is damaged.
Those without access to city water typically rely on wells to supply fresh water. The home must then have high-pressure water pumped into it. Due to reduced pressure, water cannot reach the highest and farthest points of your home.
Your water meter is attached to the main pipe. Before or after your meter is a shutdown valve. When performing repairs, the valve is useful since it shuts off the water supply system. For good reason, the two plumbing systems in a home don't cross paths.
However, the two systems are connected through bridges at various points around the house. These are what plumbers refer to as fixtures. The main issue facing water systems is clogging. In the bathroom, hair is the most frequent source of blockage; in the kitchen, grease is the culprit. Clean out plugs often to reduce the possibility of blockage.