Use This Checklist for Garage Door Opener Repairs Made Easy
Garage doors have moving parts, meaning they need to be serviced and repaired from time to time. Homeowners can do garage door opener repairs on their own or hire a garage door opener repair company to do it on their behalf. Either way, there are a couple of things homeowners should ensure are fixed to allow the garage door to open more effectively.
This review includes a checklist that homeowners can use for their garage door repairs.
According to the narrator, the power plug is the first item on the garage door opener repair checklist. Sometimes the power plug can become loose or fully disconnected from its socket; hence, the garage door opener doesn't function.
The second item on the garage door repair checklist is deactivating the lock button on the wall switch. Some newer garage door openers have wall panels with a lock button. If the button is activated, the remote that homeowners carry in their cars won't open the door.
The third item on the garage door repair checklist is checking the breaker box to see if the garage door switch is activated.
The fourth item on the garage door repair checklist is checking door resistance by manually opening it with the emergency release rope.