How to Restore Your Drain Field During Septic Repairs

When you get a clog in your home's septic system, you will still need to restore your drain field. Clogs are often detected due to soggy areas in your outdoor drainfield. Septic systems leave a slimy buildup called biomat, and you'll want to get rid of this substance as soon as possible. This biomat can stop effluent from moving through your gravel drain field, causing a backup to your entire system and leading to that dreaded overflow. When starting septic repairs, you can choose from a number of solutions. Replacing the drain field is typically a last resort and should be avoided if possible.

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Instead, one option is to hydro-jet your header line and remove any clogs. Again, this shouldn't be your first line of defense due to potential damage from the water pressure. Terralift breaks up biomat with compressed air and is generally highly reviewed but expensive. Try these first steps for septic repairs including using your general and regular maintenance, then using an additive to try an additive in your distribution box. Begin with the least expensive and least invasive solutions first, then work your way up to more aggressive repairs as needed. If you aren't able to fix the issue yourself, be sure to call a professional for assistance.