Understand the Difference Between Dyslexia Tutoring and Therapy

When contemplating getting help for a dyslexic child, it is good to know how the available options differ. This video explores the difference between dyslexia tutoring and dyslexia therapy. It'll help you determine which option offers the best results for you and your family. On the one hand, dyslexia tutoring is the most popular service and can take on many shapes and forms. It could be anything from a one-on-one with dyslexia tutors or a computer program trained to handle dyslexic children. Additionally, it is based on academic needs.

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Unfortunately, it often lacks the layering and complexity that the dyslexic brain needs. On the other hand, dyslexia therapy can only be implemented by a Certified Academic Language Therapist, or CALT. A CALT offers the dyslexic child a systematic language learning program to build a high degree of accuracy. Dyslexic children who go through dyslexia therapy become knowledgeable and are more likely to be independent thinkers. The therapist walks with your child and makes them better at reading and spelling. Based on the analysis, your dyslexic loved one should have a therapist rather than a dyslexia tutor. You'll be guaranteed the best results if you involve a CALT, so go for it.