Common Questions Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring Owners Have

If you have recently installed waterproof vinyl plank flooring, you may have some questions regarding how to take care of it. Here's everything homeowners should be aware of.

Is Padding Necessary?

Vinyl plank has been enhanced over the last decade due to the technological advancements. Many homeowners have noticed that there is an attached pad to the vinyl plank.

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If that's the case, it's recommended that vinyl plank flooring owners avoid adding extra padding. If homeowners have complaints about the sound, many technicians recommend investing in a thicker plank.

Vanity Questions

Many homeowners are curious regarding whether they can install vanity over the vinyl plank flooring. This method is only recommended if the vanity has legs.

Is It Safe To Install Plank Under The Toilet?

Analysts generally agree that homeowners can install plank around the toilet. It's also recommended that homeowners add some caulk to prevent things from getting slippery.

Is Plank Compatible With Kitchens

Yes, vinyl plank flooring is compatible with kitchen flooring. This type of flooring is durable, which is an asset because the kitchen is generally one of the most high traffic areas in the home. There are many benefits to installing vinyl plank.