The Importance of Pumping Your Grease Trap

Grease traps prevent grease from making its way into sewer systems. Part of maintaining grease traps is having a grease trap pumping company pump a trap when it's complete. This video from Poor Pumper Society shows how pumping works and explains why it's so essential to have traps pumped regularly.

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When a grease trap functions correctly, it can keep grease from clogging your pipes. Over time, grease builds up in the trap, eventually needing to be removed. Without pumping, you could experience clogs, backups, and other problems. Cleaning the trap is critical to maintaining a healthy work environment.

A grease trap should always be pumped before it's full, but there are indicators that a trap is due for pumping. If you've noticed a bad smell coming from your drain, likely waste materials are decomposing inside your grease trap. You should also schedule servicing if you've been experiencing drainage problems.

Regular pumping can protect your sewer system, helping you avoid costly plumbing in the future. In many locations, there are also regulations surrounding grease trap pumping. Make sure you pay attention to your grease trap! Have it pumped regularly so you can avoid problems down the road.
