Revive Your Aging HVAC System

Your HVAC system is one of the most important systems in your home. This video from Griffin Air can help you to extend the life of your HVAC system. As your system ages, it needs special attention to ensure that it continues to perform.

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This video introduces the viewer to a product that can help to revive your old system and help to improve efficiency and more. This is an important point: don't use this product on any system that is still under warranty. This product should only be used on older systems. Boost Juice comes in two different forms. The presenter recommends that you have a professional install this product. What is Boost Juice and how does it work? It's a lubricant that helps to reduce noise and reduce the amount of power that the system uses. According to this video, homeowners report that they see a noticeable difference in their system within 24-48 hours. Boost Juice has chemicals that help to reduce moisture in the system, reduce corrosion, and lubricate the entire system. Learn more about this additive by watching this video.