How Long Will Your Furnace Install Take? Here's a Timeline
Most residential furnaces take approximately four and eight hours to complete. However, that's mainly dependent on the complex nature of the furnace. Furnace install processes commence during the in-home estimate. The in-home estimate helps in the identification of the actual size of the furnace for a home.
The furnace install period varies depending on the furnace type. Compared to electric furnaces, gas furnaces have more installation steps. The period before installation comprises the use of drop cloth to prep the area assessing means for removal of the current system, and cleaning the workplace. That preparation process lasts between one and three hours.
The furnace install process involves the set-up of the new furnace and creating holes on the furnace's side for it to be agreeable with the filter and return airdrop. Ensure everything is level and that the new furnace aligns with the present plenum. The ductwork also undergoes various modifications. That takes up to one and four hours. Since gas furnaces utilize natural gas or propane, they require gas lines and flues to assist in venting exhaust.