Your engagement will likely go down as one of the major milestones of your life. It's a great idea to capture the moment with a professional engagement photographer. Finding the right pro, however, will take some time and effort.
First, you should be realistic about your budget.
If you find a great photographer, but they're too pricey, you may end up in a bit of a bind. By finding photographers you know you can afford, you can prevent heartbreak.
Keep in mind that different photographers use different styles. You'll want to take a look at their portfolio to see if their work matches what you have in mind. It's best to find samples that are in an environment similar to what you have in mind for the engagement. Also, test out filters, such as a dreamy filter.
You should check out testimonials and reviews from the photographer's clients. Positive reviews certainly bode well. A few negative reviews might not be a big deal, by the way. Some customers are difficult to please.
From there, you can write up a short list of potential photographers. Then you can call them or send them a message to see if they are available. Since the best photographers can quickly end up fully booked, you'll want to start your search well ahead of the engagement date. This will increase your odds of landing your dream engagement photographer.