If you’re looking to prepare a surface for painting or other treatments, sandblasters can go a long way. As the name implies, this treatment method leverages sand. When used properly, sand can be a powerful abrasive.
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By blasting surfaces with high-pressure sand, it’s possible to remove paint and smooth out a surface.
Sandblasting operates sort of like sandpaper. However, you don’t have to put nearly so much elbow grease into using this treatment method. With the right professional-grade tools, sandblasting is not nearly as strenuous as scrubbing a surface by hand with sandpaper. That said, it does take a fair bit of skill and practice to effectively wield sandblasters.
Sandblasting can remove many excess materials as well as things like rust. This makes this method highly useful in a wide range of applications. That said, even after a surface is sandblasted, it may still require a bit of extra work to be fully prepped for treatment.
There are a few risks associated with sandblasting and especially dry sandblasting. First, if you get hit by a blast of sand it could hurt quite a bit and could even cause injuries. On top of that, the sand itself can be an irritant for your eyes, lungs, skin, and more. So before using a blaster, make sure you know how to use it safely.