9 Secret Lawn Maintenance Tips to a Healthy and Green Yard

A beautiful green lawn is such a nice addition to any house and can increase the aesthetics almost immediately. If this is important to you, there are 9 tips in the embedded video to improve your lawn maintenance skills. It's important you aerate your lawn once per year so water and other nutrients can more easily reach the roots of the grass.

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Watering your yard is important as well, as grass will use this water and sunlight to feed itself. Make sure you do not water your grass as it's wet, as it can clump up and choke out any grass underneath it, leading to unsightly dead spots. Your lawnmower needs to be set to the proper height as well. If your deck is too low, you'll dig up the healthy grass and kill it. If your deck is too high, it won't cut a lot of the grass and leave it the same as before. Lawn maintenance companies recommend natural fertilizers rather than chemical ones. This is similar logic to people thriving on natural foods and less processed foods. A few other suggestions can be seen in the embedded video, such as keeping your mower blades sharp, removing weeds regularly, composting your clippings, and cleaning up after animals. Use these tips to help your lawn grow as lush and green as it wants!.