How AI Can Simplify A Machine Designers Job

Machine designing is a highly technical skill that requires years of education and most certainly is not being replaced by AI anytime soon. There is a certain level of human touch and perfection that needs to be included so the project can come out as intended. AI can most certainly simplify parts of a machine designers job while also increasing the quality of the output. The AI service in question is ChatGPT, a chatbot that "learns" from the entirety of the internet and can field queries from any industry.

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There may be certain resources that machine designers use in their daily workflow that can be summarized or streamlined if it was put through ChatGPT. The chatbot is essentially a faster, more specific way to search the internet at this point. This fact needs to be taken with a grain of salt because the internet is still predominantly human-generated content. The chatbot searches the internet faster than any human could, but it's still searching content that could be entirely wrong, which is where human expertise plays its role. The machine engineer would source all the information possible from ChatGPT and still use their education and knowledge of the industry to make informed decisions. The chatbot is absolutely not replacing a technical skill such as mechanical engineering anytime soon.