How a Landscaping Company Stays Busy During Winter

A landscaping company has its prime months in the summer, with the spring and fall coming closely behind. In the winter, however, it's difficult to find work to do as the grass is lying dormant, snow is on the ground, and it's too cold to make things happen. The expert in this video discusses his landscaping company and how he manages to stay busy during the colder months where cutting lawns and trimming hedges are not an option.

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He says his best jobs are brush-clearing jobs, using the same tools he'd use in the summer. Brush builds up over time, especially in wooded areas not frequently trafficked. Some people may like the brush in their woods, and others may want to remove the sticks and dead vegetation every so often for easier access to these areas. While this realistically can be done at any time of the year, it can most easily be done on a clear day in the winter. It's best to use time for this job that wouldn't normally be used by a higher-profit job, especially because brush clearing is typically less profitable. There are a few other jobs that can be done by landscapers in the winter, such as snow plowing, salting, and tree removal, among others. Reach out to your landscaper for more information.