What It Takes to Install an Office Network

Installing an office network may seem like a complicated task, but sound planning will help things go smoothly. Stop by setting up your network cabinet. Setting up the electrical system is the next step. This enables the router to provide network access to every area inside the office. It's important to avoid damaging the wires while you're performing the data cable install. The wire colors should match up with the graphic shown on the outside of the phone jack.

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Once you've installed the wires, inspect them to see if any extra wire length is hanging outside the phone jack. Any excess length should be clipped immediately. Once you've installed all the outlets, your next step is to connect the wires to the patch panel. Each wire has number that matches the number on the patch panel. Make sure that your wires are secure in the patch panel. Once you've installed the network, you can use a tester to send currents down the line to test the connection. The tester will also notify you if any of the wires weren't installed properly.