Pahls Lawn Care Inc

2065 Lewis Pl
Columbus, IN 47201-9041


Payment Types

Visa, Mastercard

Services Offered

Flower Planting, Lawn Maintenance, New Lawns Installed, Retaining Walls Built, Snow Removal, Aerification - Dethatching, Bed Maintenance - Landscape Lighting, Complete Landscape Installation, Finish Grading - Seeding - Sodding, Lawn Mowing - Fertilization Programs, Retaining Walls - Paver Patios, Shrub/Tree Care - Clean-Up Work, Stump Removal - Snow Removal - Lawn And Garden Small Engine Repair - Sharpening And Tune-Ups, Tree - Shrubs - Flowers - Mulching

Customers Served

Commercial, Residential

Business Hours

Please call for business hours

Payment Types:
